Medical History and Examination Form
According to New Jersey state regulations and West Deptford Schoolpolicy, all students transferring into West Deptford Schools must have aphysical examination and health history within days of entering school.All Pre-school and Kindergarten students must have the physical andhealth history completed prior to entrance into school. Physicals musthave been completed within 365 days of their first day of school. Thispolicy helps to ensure that all students attending school are healthy.It is very important that all children receive regular examinations bytheir personal health care practitioner.
All immunizations must be up to date to ensure a safe schoolenvironment. If your child receives a booster of any immunization,please send a copy with the physician’s signature to the health officeso that this information can be included on the permanent health card.It is critical that this information remain current. The nurse willnotify you if there is any deficiency in your child’s immunizations.