No Fee For Transcripts
Transcripts will be processed within 5 business days
Date of Birth
Phone Number Email Address
Year of Graduation (If you did not graduate please provide last year of attendance)
Official Transcript to a College/University/Trade School (Includes Graduation Date, Class Rank/GPA, Grades)
Graduation Verification Only (Includes Graduation Date, Class Rank/GPA)
Immunizations Only (Includes Copy of School Health Record)
If you or someone you authorize would like to pick up your transcript, you may do so between 2:15 and 4:00 in the high school main office.
Please complete the following:
Name of Person Picking Up Transcript
Please provide a telephone number or email address. We will contact you when the transcript is ready for pickup.
Agreement: By signing this Electronic Signature Acknowledgement Form, I agree that my electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent to my handwritten signature. Whenever I execute an electronic signature, it has the same validity and meaning as my handwritten signature. I will not, at any time in the future, repudiate the meaning of my electronic signature or claim that my electronic signature is not legally binding.
Electronic Signature: