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2024-2025 Midterm Exam Schedule


  • Everyone must report on time for each exam and also to homeroom for attendance every day.
  • Students who are late to school will not be permitted to enter an exam after it has already begun.
  • Students are required to stay in the exam testing room until the scheduled testing time is complete. 
  • There will be a make-up exam day scheduled on the calendar for Tuesday, January 28th with a proctor in LGI, for only those students who have a DR’s note excusing their absence on the day of the exam. If there is not a DR’s note, then the student will be given a ZERO for that exam.  If students know in advance that they will miss an exam date, they should attempt to organize this with their respective teacher beforehand.  We cannot accommodate more than 2 make up exams per student on this make up exam day. Every effort should be made to be here to take the exam on the assigned dates.
  • Students that have a lunch/study hall exam period are permitted to leave during that designated period ONLY if they have written permission from a parent. This permission must be sent to the Attendance office in advance. We strongly suggest that students use their study hall/lunch exam period to study for additional exams. ALL students must sign into and remain in homeroom each day.

District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Dr. Shawnequa Carvalho
(856) 848-4300 ext. 3214
[email protected]
        WDHS Anti-Bullying Specialist
April Sanford
(856) 848-6110 ext.2232
[email protected]

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Posted on 09/17/2024

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