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1   -Intro
-Sign in to Remind
-Log onto "Classroom"
-Take quiz
     2   SWBAT analyze personal health habits
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
-Discuss issues that occur in HS
-Students will take "Personal Habits Survey"
-Class will review survey
-Video intro to the 7 Habits
-7 groups; each reads info on their habit
-Group will discuss what information is critical to their habit
EQ What are the secrets to success in high school and in the future
Assessment: notes on assigned "Habit"

 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

take "Personal Habits Survey"
Get info on a "habit" and read
Highlight critical information for group project 
     3   SWBAT
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
-Groups will create slide show explaining their habit
-Group 6 may use The Cold Within
EQ What are the secrets to success in high school and in the future
Assessment: created slide presentation

 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

You will be assigned a group who will share their slide show with you.  Prepare slides for you part of the presentation.
  SWBAT critique and evaluate "Habits" presentations
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
-Leader from each group will go to another group to listen to and critique their presentation
-Groups then evaluate their slide show and modify
-Students will formulate a summary of each of the habits
EQ What are the secrets to success in high school and in the future
Assessment: presentation; written summaries of each

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Formulate a summary of each of the habits and submit the notes you've taken
     6   SWBAT create "synergistic" groups; identify ways for caring for themselves
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

-Using "synergistic" groups, each person in the group will research ideas for caring for one of the following assigned topics: (1)body, (2)heart, (3)soul, or (4)mind
-Using the ideas, create a group poster on 10 ways to care for...
EQ What are the secrets to success in high school and in the future
Assessment: poster

 -Create a poster for the top 10 ways for caring for the (choose 1) body, heart, mind, or soul.
     7   SWBAT learn about and practice various communication styles
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

-7 habits quiz
-poster contest
-review Habit 5
-Read Communication Styles
-In groups, create a skit that demonstrates one of the four styles
-Class will guess which style is being presented
EQ What are the secrets to success in high school and in the future
Assessment: summary of styles; presentation of skit

 -Read Communication Styles
- summarized each style (100 words each)
     8   SWBAT increase understanding and practice conflict resolution skills
-review communication styles
-answer T/F conflict resolution questions on final study guide
-View PPT presentation on "Conflict Resolution"; take notes and participate in class discussion
-Read Communication Success and take notes on the worksheet provided.
EQ What are the secrets to success in high school and in the future
Assessment: completed worksheet and notes

-read article Conflict Resolution
-get communication styles worksheet and complete
-Read Communication Success and take notes on the worksheet provided.
     9    7 Habits test

Personal Fitness
-Complete and discuss "How much do you know about fitness?"
-Groups will create and share lists
    -how to maintain fitness (ACSM guidelines)
    -motivational quotes

EQ How does "sharpening the saw" increase my chances of success in the future?

Assessment: participation in discussion regarding fitness myths and facts; notes on ACSM guidelines

 -Complete  "How much do you know about fitness?"
-Check answers with a classmate
-Complete lists
    10    SWBAT formulate questions regarding sports nutrition from information gathered
-Read the following articles and then create a 20 question quiz to be given to a classmate
    Nutrition for Athletes
   A Guide to Eating for Sports

EQ How does "sharpening the saw" increase my chances of success in the future?
Assessment: 20 question quiz

 -take notes on article: Nutrition for Athletes
-summarize each topic: A Guide to Eating for Sports
  SWBAT apply dietary concepts
Diet and influence on food choices (2days)
-Participate in class discussion and take notes on Diet and Influences on Food Choices
-Predict the differences in food choices locally and globally
-Complete dietary health intervention project
EQ How does "sharpening the saw" increase my chances of success in the future?
Assessment: class notes; participation in discussion of slides

 Make up 7 Habits test
-get notes on Diet and Influences on Food Choices from a classmate
-Complete dietary health intervention project
     13   SWBAT apply dietary concepts
-complete dietary health intervention project
-present to class
EQ How does "sharpening the saw" increase my chances of success in the future?
Assessment: group presentation; evaluation of peer presentations

 -present your project to your teacher
     14   SWBAT collect information regarding dietary guidelines
-complete "Choose My Plate Worksheet"
EQ How does "sharpening the saw" increase my chances of success in the future?
Assessment: completed worksheet

 -complete "Choose My Plate Worksheet"
     15   SWBAT identify important concepts about diet that will help them to analyze their food choices and make better choices in the future 
-Review "Diet and Influences" and "Choose My Plate
-prepare for test
EQ How does "sharpening the saw" increase my chances of success in the future?
Assessment: test

 -Review "Diet and Influences" and "Choose My Plate
-prepare for test

-Take make up test
     16   SWBAT analyze the differences between the sexes and how those differences affect relationships
-same sex groups list how the opposite sex thinks and behaves differently from them
-Review "Male and Female Differences"
-students create a personal definition of love
-love vs. lust worksheet
EQ What are the secrets to successful relationships in HS and in the future?
Assessment: created definition of love; participation in love/lust discussion

 -Review "Male and Female Differences"
-students create a personal definition of love
-love vs. lust worksheet (get worksheet from teacher
SWBAT recognize and draw conclusions about dating behaviors that might indicate possible relationship dangers
-in small groups list traits of healthy and unhealthy relationships
-Stay or Go activity
-view One Love Couplets
-create Teen Dating Violence Pamphlet - HW 5
EQ What are the secrets to successful relationships in HS and in the future?
Assessment: created lists of relationship trains; TV pamphlet

 -list traits of healthy and unhealthy relationships
-Stay or Go activity
-view One Love Couplets
-create Teen Dating Violence Pamphlet HW 5
  SWBAT draw conclusions regarding risky behaviors that might lead to STIs
-view "She's Too Young" movie (2days)
-Complete Agree/Disagree worksheet
-class discussion
EQ What are the costs of being sexually active?
Assessment: attention during viewing; completion and discussion of worksheet
 -Day 1 Research "Teens and STDs".  Write a 150 word paper summarizing your reading.

-Day 2 Same as above. If you are absent both days make your summary 300 words
    20   SWBAT draw conclusions regarding risky behaviors that might lead to STIs
-Discussion of reflections from movie
-view "Sex is Not a Game"
EQ What are the costs of being sexually active?
Assessment: Participation in discussion

-view STD power point
-briefly describe each infection and make sure you understand the True and False
     21   SWBAT determine the physical, social, and emotional consequences of unprotected sex
-STD True and False pretest
-review "You're Ready If..."
-students will write: "I will be ready for sex when...justifying their choice.
-students will read above to each other in small groups
EQ What are the costs of being sexually active?
Assessment: written justification

-STD True and False pretest
-review "You're Ready If..."
-students will write: "I will be ready for sex when...justifying their choice.
  SWBAT examine the effects of a variety of commonly abused drugs
-students will each be assigned a drug to research
-using pictures and dialog only, students will make a slide presentation that will (1)describe the drug, (2)give the short and long term effects, and (3)tell a story about someone who tried the drug and/or became a user

suggested sites:
commonly abused drugs
drug abuse and the community
DEA drug information
1. alcohol
2. cocaine
3. heroin and prescription opioids
4. methamphetamine and prescription stimulants
5. marijuana
6. hallucinogens
7. GHB and Katemine
8. prescription tranquilizers and sedatives
9. MDMA and mescaline
10. Affects of drug and alcohol abuse on the community
-students will create lists (1) top 10 reasons teens drink and (2) top 10 reasons teens should not drink
This site should give you some ideas  Teens and Alcohol
EQ Why get high?  What are the risks?
Assessment: presentation; lists; participation in discussion

 -Research short and long term effects of the drugs listed to the left
    24   SWBAT analyze the effectiveness of various strategies that support an individual's ability to stop abusing drugs and remain drug free
-students' drug presentations
-when not presenting take notes on other presentations
-view "Addictions" PPT with discussion
EQ Why get high?  What are the risks?
Assessment: presentation; notes

-make presentation to teacher
-Get notes from classmate
    25   SWBAT evaluate and rank risky behaviors regarding drug use; critique ideas about a "Natural High" 
-students rank behaviors
-view "A Natural High" video
-students write (1) a reflection of the video, (2) a paragraph about someone they admire who is drug free, and (3) a paragraph describing their personal natural high
EQ Why get high?  What are the risks?
Assessment: written reflections and descriptions

-view "A Natural High" video
-write (1) a reflection of the video, (2) a paragraph about someone they admire who is drug free, and (3) a paragraph describing their personal natural high
    26   SWBAT connect personal stress with coping mechanisms including the use of drugs
-compare and contrast classmates' natural highs
-take  Individual Stress Test
-read, list, and explain 10 Signs of an Ailing Mind
-go to Stress and Coping Center and click on three situations that you would like to research.  Take notes on all three including: (1)description of the problem and (2) what steps you can take to deal with the problem
EQ How do I manage personal stress?
Assessment: notes

-take  Individual Stress Test
-read, list, and explain 10 Signs of an Ailing Mind
-go to Stress and Coping Center and click on three situations that you would like to research.  Take notes on all three including: (1)description of the problem and (2) what steps you can take to deal with the problem
    27   SWBAT develop a personal stress management plan to improve/maintain mental and emotional wellness
-research methods of managing personal stress using and reliable sites.  Ex. Creating Your Personal Stress Management Program
-create a booklet entitled: 
   "Personal Stress Management Handbook"
-use Microsoft Publisher>blank pages>booklets>1/2 letter size
-begin with title page and picture
-include at least 25 general tips for personal stress management
-add graphics/pictures throughout and possibly motivational quotes, etc. to make yours interesting and attractive
EQ How do I manage personal stress?
Assessment: completed booklet

  SWBAT examine the effects of various mental illnesses that are common to youth
-go to Your Mental Health
-complete the worksheet
EQ How do I maintain good mental health?
Assessment: completed worksheet

-go to Your Mental Health
-complete the worksheet
    30    FINAL EXAM  Make up exam
    31   SWBAT describe where they think they will be senior year approaching graduation.
-write a paper "Who I'll be in (date of grad)".  Include
-school successes
-resume of school and community activities
-dating relationships
-relationships with friends
-relationships with family
-plans post graduation

-teacher will read advice from seniors
-students will hypothesize reasons why seniors did or did not reach their original goals


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