Physical Education Written Exam #8



Name: __________________________                            PE Teacher: _______________________

Sports Psychology

Sports psychology has become one of the most popular areas of study within the larger discipline of psychology. It’s a study of how sports, exercise, physical activity and athletic performance are all influenced by elements of psychology. Knowing more about these effects is believe to help athletes condition and perform more efficiently. Here is a list of three Sports Psychology topics.  Research each of the three questions and provide a 150 word written response for each question.


1. What psychological impact does a coach have on a team’s success? Is a well-known coach more likely to have a positive or negative impact? How do players react to each kind of coach? (150 words)


2. How can sports psychology help in the process of building team chemistry and support among teammates working towards a common goal? (150 words)


3. How has sport psychology evolved in the last twenty years? What do you see in the way it will continue to develop and how it will affect the way athletes, coaches, etc., approach sports? (150 Words)

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