PE Make Up Work


If you miss PE classes due to absence or a medical issue, you must make up that work.  You may choose from the options on the left.

 Rubric for “Weekly Assignments” or “Marking Period Papers”- Physical Education




-Handwritten in students’ own handwriting and is clearly legible.
-Works Cited Page (last page of paper) listing all sources used within the paper per MLA format.
-Meets the page length requirement (5 pages for one-week assignment or 16 pages for marking period assignment)


-Follows a prompt listed on the P.E. department webpage under the “Weekly assignments” or “Marking Period Projects”

-Information from all outside sources is cited and formatted correctly according to MLA format. 

  • The handwritten assignment must be turned in before the end of the marking period before the quarter grades are due. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the assignment.

  • Failure to submit the assignment in its entirety with appropriate page length will result in deductions from the grade. 

  • Papers submitted without citations and a works cited page will be considered plagiarism or academic dishonesty, and will result in a conference with student, administration and P.E. teacher, and the possibility of a zero for the assignment. 

  • Points will be deducted from assignments where handwriting is illegible, confusing, or too large per the teacher’s discretion.

  • For students having 504 or IEP accommodations to type assignments for certain medical reasoning, the paper must be turned in via Google classroom as well as printed out. The assignment must be 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins and include a proper heading. 

Grade out of 100: __________________________                             Comments:

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