Policies and Procedures

West Deptford High School 
Physical Education Curriculum and P
olicies and Procedures


Physical Education/Health Requirements

Each student is required to take and successfully complete Physical Education and Health each year he/she is enrolled at West Deptford High School to become a candidate for graduation.  (Four years of Health Education is the maximum.)  NJ Law, NJSA-18A.

Physical Education Class Period

Classes are 43 minutes.  Students with a science lab meet four class periods per week (3 credits).  Non-lab students meet five class periods per week (3.75 credits). The students are given five (5) minutes from the bell announcing the beginning of the period to change into physical education attire and report to their roll call spots and be seated in the gym.  Failure to be seated in roll call on time will result in a deduction of participation points and/or detention. At the conclusion of class, students have approximately five (5) minutes to dress.  This allows 33 minutes for maximum participation.

Enrollment in Physical Education Class

All classes, with the possible exception of activities that may result in body contact, are co-educational.  Courses are selected by the Department taking into consideration the needs and interests of the students. 

Due to the numbers of students in each class, students may not come to participate in physical education classes if they are not scheduled for that class.

Physical Education Attire

Safety is the first concern of the Physical Education Department.  Each student is required to wear the prescribed Physical Education uniform outlined below. 

  • Uniform shorts or plain forest green shorts (elastic waist; no buttons or zippers)
  • Uniform T shirt or plain medium gray T shirt
  • Socks and athletic sneakers (no fashion sneakers)
  • Sweat pants, sweat shirts are permissible according to the activity and the weather. Sweat suits may not be worn until after roll call.
  • NO JEWELRY; students will lose preparation points for wearing jewelry in class.  This is for safety concerns.   

Athletic uniforms are NOT to be worn in gym class. 

Attendance and Grading

Because Physical Education is a participation-type class, attendance is of paramount importance.  Grading is based on preparation (20%), participation (40%) and a variety of assessments (40%).   If a student misses a class for any reason he/she should see his/her teacher immediately for information about how to make up that time. 

Medical Excuses from Physical Education Class

A student will be excused from physical education class for a maximum of one class period on a written parental excuse.  A request by a physician is required for longer periods of time.  A student medically unable to participate must bring a note from his/her physician designating the reason and the current date.  A physician’s note from the previous school year is not valid.  Students should report to the nurse before homeroom in the morning to submit their medical excuses.

**** All students will have a Physical Education grade for every marking period they are scheduled for the class.  If a student has a medical excuse which is 2 weeks or more, he/she will see his/her teacher for written work that will satisfy the requirements for Physical Education.  No “Medical” grades will be given.

Athletes are NOT excused from Physical Education classes.  Athletes must dress for physical education class each day, regardless of the athletic contests held that day; however, athletesmay be excused from strenuous activity on the day of a scheduled contest with their teacher’s permission.  No athlete with a medical excuse from Physical Education class will be permitted to participate in athletics for the duration of that excuse.

Cell Phones
Are not permitted in class.  A Student will lose participation credit for cell phone usage.

Locker Room Rules

·        No glass at any time in locker rooms

·        Students are to keep their lock on their assigned locker

·        Students should NOT be in the locker room during PE class without permission


Locks will be purchased by the student at a cost of $5.00.  Lockers are assigned. Sharing of gym class lockers is strongly discouraged.  Combinations are given out before school only to the owner of the lock (not to friends, etc.).  Students are urged to lock their valuables during gym class and check that their lock is locked when they leave the locker room. 

Reporting Accidents

All accidents, whether minor or major, should be reported to the PE teacher and the school nurse.  An "Accident Report" form should be completed and filed with the nurse.

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