
W.D.H.S. P.E.




  1. Both feet must be out of bounds until the ball is hit        
  2. Your follow through should be in the direction you want the ball to go (preferably to an opponent who is not paying attention)
  3.  Ball must be released from holding hand before it is hit.
  4. Serve should be low to the net and deep into the opponent’s court


  1. Hands overlapping and locked with thumbs pointed down
  2. Ball comes off forearms
  3. Torso should be in an upright position; legs and shoulders should do the lifting
  4.  Ball should go high and to the setter (front center player)


  1.  Move under the ball so that it is above and slightly in front of your head
  2.  Ball is contacted with the fingers only, not the palms
  3. Thumbs and first fingers should be equal distance apart

    Bring the ball to the face and then push through toward the ceiling
  4. Use your legs to help get more height on the ball
  5. Ball should go high and to the right or left side of the net and approximately 1 foot from it


  1.  Wait (approx. 10’ back from the net) for the ball to come off the setter’s hands so you know where it will be going
    Run forward and swing both arms back and up to help you get height
  2. Elbow back to ear and follow through as with an overhand throw; heel of the hand strikes the ball first and then the fingers wrap over the top of the ball to put a downward spin on it
  3. Hitter may not touch the net but can follow through with hand over the net
  4. Safest hit is on a 45 degree angle



  1. serve successfully 90 % of the time or better
  2. know how to rotate
  3. pass ball under the net when it is not in play

     always be READY with knees bent and eyes following the ball
  4. be in position so that he/she does not need to back up or attempt to play a ball that is going over his/her head
  5. call for the ball consistently
  6. cover the area of the court he/she is responsible for
  7. play aggressively (not passively waiting for someone else to play the ball)
  8. know rules and how to score
  9. encourage teammates




  1. A ball that hits any part of the sidelines or end lines is considered in bounds.
  2. Out of bounds includes: the floor outside the lines, the ceiling, and the walls. (If a ball hits the ceiling, a teammate may play the ball.  If the ball hits the ceiling and then crosses the plane of the net, it is a “dead” ball, whether the opponents play it or not.)  The ball must touch one of these out of bounds areas in order to be considered out.  (If the ball touches a person before it hits the floor, it is not out.)


  1. A competitive indoor team consists of 6 players.  You may, however, play with fewer. 
  2. The right back player serves the ball. 
  3. Team rotates in a clockwise direction when awarded the ball on a side out.
  4. When the ball is served players must be in the correct serving order (rotation).  This order may NOT change during a game, but may change between games.
  5. After the ball is served, players may switch positions.  Players must switch back to their starting position before the next serve.
  6. All players, except the server, must have all parts of their bodies in bounds when the ball is served.


  1. The ball shall be contacted by the server within 5 seconds (H.S.) of the referees whistle to start the play.  If there is no referee, the server calls the score (his/her team’s score first) and then serves the ball.  The score must be called loud enough to be heard by the back line of the receiving team.
  2. The ball must clear the hand holding the ball before it is contacted by the serving hand.
  3. Serve must be taken from beyond the end line and within the planes of the sidelines.  If there is not 6’ between the end line and the wall, the server must start with both feet out of bounds, but may step in bounds with one foot before contacting the ball.
  4. The ball may touch the net on the serve.  (new)
  5. The team not serving first in the previous game shall serve first in the next game


  1. The game will end when a team reaches 25 points and is ahead by 2.  A tie-breaking  game is played to 15 points, win by 2.
  2. Rally scoring will be used.  A point is scored each play.  If the serving team fails to properly return the ball to the receiving team, they lose a point and the serve.
  3. A match consists of 3 games.
  4. After each game, teams will switch sides of the net. 
  5. Legal hits are those in which a player contacts the ball with the body above the waist.  The ball may not come to rest in the hands.
    1. Forearm pass (bump)
    2. Overhead (set) pass
    3. Spike (hit, kill shot)
    4. Block (two hands with fingers spread wide to stop a kill shot)
    5. Dig (using a closed hand to “save” the ball
    6. Dink (light touch with the fingers of one hand to tip the ball over the net)
  1. Slapping the ball or lifting the ball with an open hand(s) is a violation.
  2. The ball may be contacted no more than three times before it crosses the net.  A block is not counted as one of the three hits.  If a player successfully blocks the ball s/he or a teammate may make the next contact.
  3. No player may play the ball twice in succession.
  4. Reaching across the plane of the net is a violation unless it is a follow through from that player’s spike or a block (the blocker must allow the opponent to play the ball before he or she reaches over to block it).
  5. A backline player may not spike the ball from in front of the 10’ line.
  6. A serve may not be spiked or blocked.
  7. A player may step on the center line, but not over it.
  8. The ball may hit the net on a volley.  If it goes into the net it can still be legally played.
  9. Players may not contact the net at any time with any part of their bodies when the ball is in play.
  10. Replay shall be declared when a call can not clearly be made.  No points are scored and the same server serves again.
  11. Use of noise or disconcerting acts when the opponent is about ready to play the ball is a violation.


  1. Each team is permitted two time-outs per game, each not to exceed 30 seconds.
  2. The referee can call a time-out for any number of reasons.  A referee time-out is not charged to either team.
  3. Time-outs may be requested only by the team captain and only when the ball not in play.


  1. Poor sportsmanship includes:
    1. Questioning the referee.
    2. Arguing over calls
    3. Throwing or hitting the ball as a means of showing temper.
  2. Pass the ball UNDER the net when sending it to the server.
  3. Make only positive and encouraging statements on the court.
  4. After the match, your team should line up and pass under the net to shake the hands of your opponents.


  1. When receiving the ball from across the net, the forearm (bump) pass should be the first hit.  If the ball is over your head, it belongs to the player behind you or, if you are in the back line, the ball should be going out of bounds.
  2. After the forearm pass to the setter, the ball should be sent to the right or left side of your court along the net using a set pass.
  3. After the set the ball should be spiked by either the right or left front player.
  4. Always call for the ball.
  5. Understand that the ball will almost always go in the direction that you are facing.
  6. When the ball is in play:
    1. Be in a “ready” position with your weight on the balls of your feet and your knees bent.
    2. Always follow the ball with your eyes.
  7. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  Only the player who is unafraid to make mistakes will improve.


  1. POINT – either team is unable to return the ball.  The opponent receives a point.
  2. SIDE OUT – serving team is unable to return the ball to the receiving team.  Receiving team gets a point and the serve.  They MUST rotate before they serve even if it is the first time they have gotten possession of the ball.
  3. SERVE – putting the ball into play by striking it underhand or overhand.  The striking hand can be opened or closed.
  4. FOREARM (BUMP) PASS – soft pass that comes from the forearms; the hands are locked together.  This pass should go high and to the setter at the center of the net.  The ball should be about 1-2 feet off the net.
  5. OVERHEAD (SET) PASS – Both hands are used to send the ball in an upward direction.  As the ball comes down from the forearm pass the setter gets underneath it so that it comes toward the upturned face.  It is then is pushed toward the ceiling with the fingers of both hands.  The contact is illegal if the hands come from behind or over the head, or if they come from in front of the face that is not upturned.  This pass should go high and up to the net on the right or left side.
  6. SPIKE (HIT, KILL) – a hard overhand hit with one hand in a downward direction meant to hit the opponent’s court with force.  The hand can and should be open and should contact the ball hard.
  7. DIG – a one handed “save”. Ball is hit upward and forward with a closed hand.   Used as a “last ditch” effort if you cannot get in a position to hit the ball with both hands.
  8. DINK – a soft, overhead pass that just clears the net.  Used to catch the opponent off guard.
  9. LIFTING (CARRYING) – illegal contact.  The ball is lifted in an upward direction with one or two open hands.



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