Health IV Classwork & Make Up Work

1 SWBAT identify the information they will need to succeed in class
-review course requirements
-sign up for "Remind"
-sign in to "Classroom"
-take pretest on "Classroom"

2 SWBAT list, locate, and define parts of both reproductive systems
-Do Now - label male and female reproductive systems  
-complete the worksheet regarding the physiology of both with teacher instruction
EQ How does one maintain reproductive health?
Assessment: complete diagrams and worksheet

-get worksheets
-label male and female reproductive systems and complete a worksheet regarding the physiology of the same

SWBAT discover common maladies of the reproductive systems.
-Reproductive health problems -
small groups will research information regarding one of the conditions/disorders listed
-Mayo Clinic Information
EQ How does one maintain reproductive health?
Assessment: M/F quiz; google doc with disorder information
-Reproductive health problems - complete 2 disorders from this chart

4 SWBAT discover common maladies of the reproductive systems. 
-present information to the class
-working in co-ed groups (boys have one set of answers; girls have the other) complete reproductive disorders worksheet during presentations in groups
EQ How does one maintain reproductive health?
Assessment: presentation of disorder; disorders worksheet

- if absent presentation print our Reproductive health problems and fill in the first box for each.
5 SWBAT differentiate between those traits of the male/female reproductive systems that are normal and those in need of attention.
-View Reproductive Care slide show
-In small groups tell whether each situation for both the female and the male is Common or in Need of attention.  Discuss
-list those steps to take to care for the health of the reproductive systems
EQ How does one maintain reproductive health?
Assessment: participation in class discussion

-View and take notes: Reproductive Care 

6 SWBAT identify signs and symptoms of STDs and behaviors that spread them
-view both slide shows while completing the clue chart
     -slide show 1
-using the clue chart create a puzzle with this puzzle maker
-OR this puzzle maker
EQ What are the costs of unprotected sex?
Assessment: completed clue chart and puzzle

-view both slide shows while completing the clue chart
     -slide show 1
-using the clue chart create a puzzle with this puzzle maker
7 SWBAT estimate personal STI risks; identify situations that could contribute to exposure
-submit crossword completed puzzle
-on Exam Study Guide answer T&F questions regarding STDs (#4)
-participate in a class discussion regarding STDs along with PPT instruction
EQ What are the costs of unprotected sex?
Assessment: quiz; T&F pretest

-research and report on recent NJ STD statistics
-list 10 risky behaviors related to contracting STDs
-complete quiz STD puzzle
-on Exam Study Guide answer T&F questions regarding STDs
8 SWBAT explore the emotions (which control choices) surrounding sex and STDs
-view "Teen Sex; The Rules Have Changed"
-write 10 reflections on the information presented
-respond to statements on "Teen Sex; The Rules Have Changed" google form.
EQ What are the costs of unprotected sex?
Assessment: reflections; responses to statements; class participation

-research at least one website that promotes abstinence
-summarize the information
-evaluate the message presented

9 SWBAT discover the real financial costs of raising a child with only an HS diploma; draw conclusions about how education and experience make raising a child much easier
-in pairs complete Basic Family Budget
-discuss and list conclusions reached
EQ What are the costs of unprotected sex?
Assessment: completed budget and conclusions

-complete Basic Family Budget
-list conclusions reached
SWBAT evaluate contraceptive methods as methods of reducing STD and unplanned pregnancy 
-teacher instruction on fertility awareness.
(read this article on Birth Control Methods)
-using the site below, in groups, complete the "birth control" outline found on google classroom
    -birth control methods 2
    -comparison chart

-day 2 - finish outline, class discussion
EQ What is the best way to protect myself from STIs and unplanned pregnancy?
Assessment: completed outline; participation in discussion

 -day 1 absence - get the document from google classroom; choose 3 methods and complete the information for each.
-day 2 absence - complete this worksheet.

SWBAT view and discuss the many stages that the unborn child passes through during pregnancy
-Introduction to National Geographic video
-view 4/5 of "In the Womb"
-students take notes on "In the Womb" worksheet
EQ When does human life begin?   Behavior: nature or nurture?
Assessment: completed notes

-day 1 - view first 2/5ths of "In the Womb"
-day 2 - view up to 1:10 
-take notes on "In the Womb" worksheet
14 SWBAT examine personal feelings about the sanctity of life weighing the pros and cons of teen parenting, adoption, and abortion
-finish viewing "In the Womb"
-review video notes
-answer questions 1, 2, and 3 on the worksheet and prepare to discuss.
EQ When does human life begin? Behavior: nature or nurture?
Assessment: answered questions; participation in class discussion of same

-finish viewing "In the Womb"
-review video notes
-answer questions 1, 2, and 3 on the worksheet and prepare to discuss
SWBAT examine personal feelings about the sanctity of life weighing the pros and cons of teen parenting, adoption, and abortion
**teacher will use SmartBoard presentation on "abortion" to direct class discussion.
-read assigned part of Elective Termination of Pregnancy and summarize the information on this activity sheet
-report your information to the members of your group
-find out how abortions are performed on this site
-read pros and cons of abortion and circle those arguments that you feel have some validity
-as a group, create abortion laws for your community
-evaluate pregnancy situations given and determine which situations should be granted an abortion
#18 Study Guide
-If Roe v Wade is Overturned: One side of the Story
EQ Is abortion right or wrong?
Assessment: report to group; creation of laws; discussion about specific situations

-scan Elective Termination of Pregnancy and summarize the information on this activity sheet
-read pros and cons of abortion and circle those arguments that you feel have some validity
-create abortion laws for your community
-evaluate pregnancy situations given and determine which situations should be granted an abortion
17 SWBAT identify symptoms of disabilities caused by the use of alcohol and other drugs
-view "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders" and answer questions on worksheet while viewing
-review questions and answers

EQ How can we as a society reduce the risks associated with maternal drinking?
Assessment: answered questions
-using this site Alcohol Use in Pregnancy take notes on the following:
-facts, secondary conditions
-alcohol use in pregnancy
-alcohol use in pregnancy, questions and answers
-data and statistics

SWBAT understand the effects of maternal drinking on the fetus; analyze data regarding same; advocate for alcohol free pregnancy
-review FAS PSA rubric
-view FASD PSA
STEP ONE read the following topics on this site Alcohol Use in Pregnancy
    -(1) facts
    -(1) facts, secondary conditions
    -(2) alcohol use in pregnancy
    -(2) alcohol use in pregnancy, questions and answers
    -(3) diagnosis
    -(3) treatments
    -(4) data and statistics
STEP TWO- collect pictures that can be used 
STEP THREE create a 30 second PSA that could be a deterrent to maternal drinking

EQ How can we as a society reduce the risks associated with maternal drinking?
Assessment: PSA

-using this site Alcohol Use in Pregnancy take notes on the following:
-facts, secondary conditions
-alcohol use in pregnancy
-alcohol use in pregnancy, questions and answers
-data and statistics
20 Present and evaluate PSAs

SWBAT evaluate a variety of parenting strategies
DO NOW-answer the first 2 questions on the Parenting Worksheet
-with a partner answer the rest of the questions
-use this parenting styles site to complete #4 and 5. or Parenting PPT, review parenting styles;

 Follow these directions to design an instruction booklet entitled "Life's Little Instruction Book for Parents"
25 tips for parenting 
(Additional site to check out)

*use Microsoft publisher>click more blank pages>click "booklets" folder>click 1/2 letter size>click "yes"
Printing options:
-booklet side folded
-print on both sides, short edge, double sided

EQ What does a healthy family look like?
Assessment: worksheet; booklet
-complete the Parenting Worksheet
-design an instruction booklet entitled "Life's Little Instruction Book for Parents"
*use Microsoft publisher>blank pages>booklets>1/2 letter size
21  SWBAT compare and contrast the qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships
-Parenting PPT - ; review A.C.E. 
- In terms of being a good parent, why do you think it is important for you to have a healthy relationship with your partner?
-list on board traits of a healthy relationship
-review the sites below.  Select 5 traits that are very important to you.  With those in mind, write a letter to your future partner explaining to him/her what you are looking for in your future relationship.  Write a paragraph in explanation for EACH trait.  (5 paragraphs)
-Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships (Domestic Violence)
-Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship
EQ What do healthy relationships look like?
Assessment: Participation in activities; Letter to a future spouse

Review Parenting PPT; take notes

-review the sites below.  Select 5 traits that are very important to you.  With those in mind, write a letter to your future partner explaining to him/her what you are looking for in your future relationship.  Write a paragraph in explanation for EACH trait.

-Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships (Domestic Violence)
-Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship


SWBAT recognize behaviors that are considered abusive
-Relationships Stay or Leave/Red Flag activity in groups
-Domestic Violence PPT  - decide whether or not preconceptions regarding domestic violence are fact or myth

EQ What does a healthy family look like?
Assessment: class discussion; DV pamphlet

-View Domestic Violence slide show on studapps
-take notes on the fact/myth portion of the PPt

 23  SWBAT recognize behaviors that are considered abusive
-Domestic Violence PPT video "Why Domestic Violence Victims Don't Leave"
-view "No More"Campaign"

EQ What does a healthy family look like?
Assessment: class discussion; DV pamphlet
-view video and write a reflection on "Why Domestic Violence Victims Don't Leave"
 24  SWBAT recognize behaviors that are considered abusive
-"Relationships" stay or go activity review with the idea that you are now in love
-review RED FLAGS

-view "No More"Campaign"
-in groups read Bystander Scenarios What would you do?  What do the experts say?
-answer questions on STUDY GUIDE

EQ What does a healthy family look like?
Assessment: class discussion; participation in-class activities
-read and take notes on  Bystander Scenarios 
25  SWBAT identify the high risks of drinking on the college campus; the parameters of acquaintance rape; differentiate between putting oneself at risk and being responsible for a crime against your person
-students will take Alcohol Audit
-Groups will research, prepare, and present information on one of the following:
    1. high-risk college drinking consequences  (Helpful site)  Do you have a problem? 
    2. sexual violence - rape myths; the "red zone"
    3. reporting sexual assault.
    4. why rape victims don't fight or scream (Helpful site)
    5. steps to take if you or a friend has been assaulted.
    6. risk reduction and prevention.
    7. What is consent?
    8. The aftermath of sexual assault; (Helpful site)
EQ Should we ever blame the victim?
Assessment: preparation and presentation of information
-choose one of the topics to the left and prepare a "Google slides" presentation covering the topic 
 26 SWBAT identify the high risks of drinking on the college campus; the parameters of acquaintance rape; differentiate between putting oneself at risk and being responsible for a crime against your person 
EQ Should we ever blame the victim?
-groups will present topic
-take notes on other group projects
Assessment: presentation of information; notes on others' presentations
27 SWBAT identify the parameters of acquaintance rape; differentiate between putting oneself at risk and being responsible for a crime against your person
-students will view "One Day in October" 
-write down the sequence of events
-determine whether or not a rape took place: whether charges should be filed; which characters are most responsible.  Put your answers in writing.
EQ Should we ever blame the victim?
Assessment: written sequence of events; participation in discussion

-read Acquaintance Rape; list 10 things you learned that you did not know before
-read What to Do and list steps
28 SWBAT understand and apply the laws for this situation; discuss and reveal biases that individuals might hold; make a final decision as to Max's fate
-discuss whether or not Max should be prosecuted
-students will go to one side of the room for prosecution and the other for defense
-each group prepare arguments
-view parts of "The Hunting Ground"
-discuss the rape culture at the collegiate level
-take the "It's On Us" pledge
-create a plan to reduce the incidence of sexual assault on the college campus

EQ Should we ever blame the victim?
Assessment: participation; answered questions

-read all Q and A on Commonly Asked Questions; answer the questions on a blank piece of paper

-view the video in the article These are the Women; summarize
-read 3 stories and summarize: Sexual Assault Survivors
29 SWBAT explore the differences in male and female thinking and behavior

-Using the Male.Female PPT, have students attempt to determine whether a behavior is typically male or female.
-READ 50 Real Differences Between Men and Women
-discuss issues that can result when the sexes expect each other to think, feel, and act the way they do
-answer questions #41 - 44 on your Exam Study Guide
EQ How do we learn to accept and respect others' differences?

Assessment: completed answers
-view Male and Female Differences
-answer questions regarding same on Study Guide
30 SWBAT examine attitudes and biases regarding gender roles and sexual orientation
-take a survey regarding homosexuality attitudes  Total your scores.  Do you find yourself more or less tolerant?
-view 77 countries where homosexuality is illegal What does this map show?
-answer the question, "Is homosexuality a choice?"
-view "Is homosexuality a choice?"
-debate the question.  Answer #40 on Exam Study Guide with a defense of your answer.
EQ How do we learn to accept and respect others' differences?
Assessment: completed survey and discussion

-take a survey regarding homosexual attitudes
-View and write comments on 77 countries where homosexuality is illegal
-answer the question, "Is homosexuality a choice?"
-View and write comments on "Is homosexuality a choice?"


SWBAT recognize positive and negative means of communication and how to resolve conflicts with an "everybody wins" mentality

-read information Conflict Resolution
-complete 45-55 on Exam Study Guide 
-review Conflict Resolution PPT
EQ How do we learn to accept and respect others' differences?
Assessment: completed worksheet
-read information Conflict Resolution
-complete #45-55 on your Exam Study Guide
-review and take notes on Conflict Resolution PPT
 32 SWBAT recognize several mental disorders/illnesses that are common among young adults.
- mental illness statistics
-students will research, read about, and list 10 things they learned about each of the following:
-Bipolar Disorder
-Borderline Personality Disorder
Helpful website
Helpful website.2

EQ What does a healthy family look like?
Assessment: completed notes
Research and list 10 things you learned about each of the following:
-Bipolar Disorder
-Borderline Personality Disorder
33 SWBAT evaluate knowledge gained

-Makeup ASAP
34 SWBAT identify those traits in a person that make them desirable for a mate; understand that the most valuable traits, in the long run, are not always looks and physique
-create a list of questions that you feel would reveal the traits you are looking for and those that would be deal-breakers
-ask these questions of opposite-sex students in the classroom in a "speed mating" format
-each sex group will vote for their "dream mate" 
EQ What qualities are important in a future mate?
Assessment: participation

  30 SWBAT explore the differences in male and female thinking and behavior

-Using the Male.Female PPT, have students attempt to determine whether a behavior is typically male or female.
-READ 50 Real Differences Between Men and Women
-discuss issues that can result when the sexes expect each other to think, feel, and act they way they do
-answer questions #41 - 44 on your Exam Study Guide
EQ How do we learn to accept and respect other's differences?

Assessment: completed answers

-view Male and Female Differences
-answer questions regarding same on Study Guide
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