Table Tennis - Ping Pong


Table Tennis Rules 

A match is played best of an odd number of games. For each game, the first player to reach 11 points wins that game, however a game must be won by at least a two point margin.

A point is scored after each ball is put into play .

The edges of the table are part of the legal table surface, but not the sides.

Flow of the Match
Each player serves two points in a row and then switch server. However, if a score of 10-10 is reached in any game, then each server serves only one point and then the server is switched. After each game, the players switch side of the table. In the final game, the players switch sides again after either player reaches 5 points.

In doubles, the server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return, the partner of the server shall then make a good return, the partner of the receiver shall then make a good return and thereafter each player in turn in that sequence shall make a good return.

Legal Service
The ball must rest on an open stationary hand palm. Then it must be tossed up at least 6 inches and struck so the ball first bounces on the server's side and then the opponent's side. No spin.

From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by any part of the body or clothing of the server or his doubles partner.

If the serve is legal except that it touches the net, it is called alet serve. Let serves are not scored and are reserved.


Unless the rally is a let, a player shall score a point

  • if his opponent fails to make a good service;

  • if his opponent fails to make a good return;

  • if, after he has made a good service or a good return, the ball touches anything other than the net assembly before being struck by his opponent;

  • if the ball passes beyond his end line without touching his court, after being struck by his opponent;

  • if his opponent obstructs the ball;

  • if his opponent strikes the ball twice successively;

  • if his opponent strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade whose surface does not comply with the requirements of 2.4.3, 2.4.4 and 2.4.5;

  • if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, moves the playing surface;

  • if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, touches the net assembly;

  • if his opponent's free hand touches the playing surface;

  • if a doubles opponent strikes the ball out of the sequence established by the first server and first receiver


  • The right to choose the initial order of serving, receiving and ends shall be decided by lot and the winner may choose to serve or to receive first or to start at a particular end.

  • After each2points have been scored the receiving player or pair shall become the serving player or pair and so on until the end of the game, unless both players or pairs score 10 points or the expedite system is in operation, when the sequences of serving and receiving shall be the same but each player shall serve for only 1 point in turn.

  • In each game of a doubles match, the pair having the right to serve first shall choose which of them will do so and in the first game of a match the receiving pair shall decide which of them will receive first; in subsequent games of the match, the first server having been chosen, the first receiver shall be the player who served to him in the preceding game.

  • In doubles, at each change of service the previous receiver shall become the server and the partner of the previous server shall become the receiver.

  • The player or pair serving first in a game shall receive first in the next game of the match and in the last possible game of a doubles match the pair due to receive next shall change their order of receiving when first one pair scores5points.

  • The player or pair starting at one end in a game shall start at the other end in the next game of the match and in the last possible game of a match the players or pairs shall change ends when first one player or pair scores5points.


A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring11points unlessboth players orpairs score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player or pair subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.


Arallyis the period during which the ball is in play.

Aletis a rally of which the result is not scored.

Apointis a rally of which the result is scored.

A playerobstructsthe ball ifhe,or anything he wears or carries, touches it in play when it is above or travelling towards the playing surface and has not passed beyond his end line, not having touched his court since last being struck by his opponent.

The ball shall be regarded as passingover or aroundthe net assembly if it passes anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface.

Theend lineshall be regarded as extending indefinitely in both directions.

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