Health Overview

Health Education

Health I:

Health I keeps pace with the changing field of health.  Students are asked to take a personal health inventory.  Course emphasis is placed on fitness, nutrition, emotional needs, handling stress, health careers and problems associated with the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.  Teenage pregnancy and teen suicide are two sensitive topics briefly addressed.  The substance abuse unit is presented through the DARE program. 


Health II:

Health II directs its attention to Driver Education - Safety on Wheels.  The student becomes familiar with basic car control and the affects of risk-taking behaviors.  Emphasis is placed on developing good driving skills and the knowledge of New Jersey law as well as the natural laws that affect vehicle control.  Two special programs include speakers from MADD and the Gift of Life Donor Program. 


Health III:

Health III is concerned with health promotion and disease prevention.  Instruction is devoted to respiratory and circulatory emergencies (CPR), chemical use/abuse, and mental and environmental health.  Upon successful completion, students receive an American Red Cross Adult CPR certification. 


Health IV:

The theme in the senior year is "Family Life and Human Sexuality."  The framework of the course focuses on responsibility, relationships, commitment, tolerance, and self-discipline as students are encouraged to develop healthy lifestyle behaviors.  Current issues, such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, and dating violence are addressed. 


*****Students will be allowed to audit classes with the following provisions:

  • approval of teacher, administrator, and counselor

  • student must complete all assignments, take all tests, follow all classroom rules, do make-up work as requested by the teacher, and adhere to the attendance policy of the school.  If not, student will be dropped and assigned a study hall.

  • Student record will show course and "Audit".  No grade will be recorded.

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